M is for Myeloma is a place to chronicle my family's newest 'adventure' living with multiple myeloma to keep family and friends updated and also hopefully help others living with the disease.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter from Little Rock!

Had a nice wake up call from the kids excited to tell me all about what the Easter bunny had brought!

After that it was off to the clinic for the daily drill. My white count was 0.04 today, so about the same as yesterday. My platelets were really low today though so they needed to give me some, which means things took a little longer than usual. They also sent me home with a potassium infuser since my potassium was a little low too. My appetite was a little better today, I think the lorazepam they recommended taking (on top of the zofran) is helping a bit. I even managed to eat some of the Easter dinner my my whipped up. The ham was delicious. I think the apple pie might have to wait until tomorrow though since I ate a few to many jelly beans from my Easter basket!


  1. Jody- You sound like you are doing great. Soon you will be feeling a little stronger every day. I am happy you got to enjoy Easter a little. You are constantly in my thoughts!-Jeanie from NH

  2. Banana splits are loaded with potassium!!! Ask for the calorie free kind! Glad you guys had a good Easter and making great progress!
